A group of three diverse women standing next to each other with warm smiles on their faces, in an office reception area

Looking Forward

At COSTI, supporting newcomers and diverse communities is core to our mission.

We are committed to advocating for and developing affordable housing solutions and accelerating career and education pathways, ensuring the stability and success of clients through comprehensive services and partnerships.

Looking ahead, we remain committed to adapting to the evolving needs of our diverse clients and community. Guided by our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan, we will continue to tackle critical issues like housing, employment, skills development, and mental health, while upholding our dedication to equity, diversity, and inclusion. Our goal is to ensure that every individual, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or background, can thrive and contribute meaningfully to Canadian society.

In our pursuit of a more accessible and innovative future, we are excited to explore innovative approaches and leverage digital platforms to enhance our service delivery. We will continue to seek out new partnerships to drive systemic change, focusing on the unique needs of our diverse client-group. By addressing the intersectionality of needs and systemic barriers, we aim to foster a more inclusive and just environment for our clients.

Together with our dedicated partners and supporters, we look forward to continuing our journey with renewed passion and determination to build a stronger, more inclusive Canada where everyone can succeed and contribute to our shared future.