Liudmyla’s Story

Journey of Resilience: Two Newcomer Families’ Path to Success in Canada

In June 2023, Liudmyla arrived in Canada from Ukraine, with her two young daughters and elderly mother. Seeking temporary housing, Liudmyla was connected to volunteer housing host Rebecca through COSTI’s Housing Host program, who herself was new to Canada, having arrived from the United States a few months prior. Rebecca welcomed Liudmyla and her family into her home with open arms and homemade kalach, a Ukrainian traditional bread.

Despite language barriers, tragedy, and separation — Liudmyla had lost her brother in the war, and her husband was still fighting in Ukraine — she and her family were determined to overcome their hurdles and succeed in Canada. Working with her COSTI counsellor, Liudmyla and her family developed a comprehensive plan for their integration into Canadian society, received access to vital services, and Liudmyla was assisted with securing employment.

Six months prior to Liudmyla’s arrival in Canada, her cousin Siergie and his 12-year-old son had arrived in Canada from Ukraine after Siergie had tragically lost his wife during the second week of the war. Siergie spoke little English and was unable to secure employment up until that time. 

With COSTI’s help, the cousins were connected and Siergie was assisted with securing employment. Liudmyla and Siergie combined their resources and found an apartment for their families. With assistance and guidance from COSTI, they were able to navigate lease agreements, banking and insurance processes, and through furniture donations, they were able to set up their new home.

“My family and I are extremely thankful to the COSTI team for your empathy, understanding, and ability to support those in need. Compassion, help, and kindness were extended to my family when we needed support, safety, and shelter the most, and I extend my sincere gratitude to the team that have made a big difference in our lives.”

– Liudmyla, Ukrainian Housing Host program client

In just two months, the two families achieved considerable progress. Liudmyla’s two daughters and Siergie’s son have integrated into their new Canadian lives, making new friends at their schools, and improving their English skills. Together, they continue their journey of settlement and integration into Canada.