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Modules: Intro > Methodology > Trades > Certification > Apprenticeship


Module 1 - Trades Apprenticeship in Ontario

Total Time: 110 minutes

Training Module Objective

To familiarize participants with the skilled trades and the trades apprenticeship system in Ontario.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will:

Introductions and Agenda

Time: 10 minutes

Facilitator Notes: Using the round robin approach, requests participants to introduce themselves and state what they are hoping to gain from the workshop. The facilitator records the group's expectations on a flipchart. Based on this information, the facilitator links the expectations to the agenda of the workshop.

Warm-up Activity: (10 minutes)

Facilitator can select a warm-up activity to assist participants to get to know each other and build comfort and interaction levels in the group.

Trades Apprenticeship In Ontario

Time: 60 minutes

Facilitator Notes: Facilitator presents Slides #1-30 and gives an overview of the trades Apprenticeship system. Refer to Module One in the NeCTAR Reference Guide. Upon completing the presentation, a list of questions is listed on flipchart paper that participants will answer during the following activities. These questions will assist participants to determine the certification requirements for their trade.

Activity 1: Using the Regulation of the Apprenticeship Trades and Trades Designations Diagram

Time: 5 minutes

Participants are requested to refer to NeCTAR resource Trade Designations and Legislations. Facilitator asks participants as a whole group to locate their trade on the diagram and to determine the designation and legislation for the trade. They are then asked to determine if it is a red seal trade. This tool will assist them in determining:

Activity 2: Self-Assessment Individual Activity

Time: 15 minutes

Participants are given the Handout Self-Assessment Checklist for their trade and introduced to the training standards manual. A self-assessment checklist can be made up in advance by the facilitator using the training standards manual for the trades of the participants if the group is not a trade-specific group.

Individual participants are requested to use the checklist to see if their skill sets match the skill set requirements in Ontario. The NOC occupational code can also be used in this activity. Checklists for related trades can be cross-referenced to match their background and training to an appropriate trade in Ontario as some participants may find that the scope and background of their training and experience is different..

Q & A Period

Time: 10 Minutes