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There are many kinds of abuse.

Physical abuse any aggressive behaviour directed at another's body, such as pushing, pinching, squeezing, shaking, grabbing, biting, slapping, punching, kicking, or choking. It also includes throwing objects or using a weapon. Such conduct will often result in obvious injuries, but many women are subjected to varying degrees of physical abuse without suffering physical injury visible to the eye.


Sexual abuse

is forced participation in any type of sexual activity. No one, not even a husband, has the right to force a woman to participate in sexual activity if she doesn't want to. If force or threats of force are used to gain the woman's compliance, the man can be charged with sexual assault.


Psychological and verbal abuse

involve the infliction of emotional pain and suffering by doing things to control or degrade, such as persistent verbal attacks on self-esteem, repeated accusations of infidelity, threats of suicide, control over friends and money, and threats of harm to the victim’s property or belongings, threats to report the victim to the authorities (i.e. Immigration or Child Welfare) and threats of harm to others.


Financial Abuse

means having no access to the family's money. The woman may live in a comfortable house, wear good clothing, have children who are well-equipped with toys and luxuries, but have no control over what is spent or saved, over what moneys come into the family, or over any decisions about what will be bought. She is allowed no money for personal use and may be denied pertinent and important information regarding household finances.

Learn more about COSTI’s women’s services, and
other programs available at COSTI.