- Does the abuser sometimes say critical things that make you feel bad about yourself?
- Does the abuser disregard your opinions because they’re always wrong?
- Does the abuser dislike your family and try to stop you seeing them?
- Does the abuser insult your friends and drive them away?
- Is the abuser jealous and possessive of you?
- Is everything that goes wrong somehow your fault?
- Does the abuser get angry when he doesn’t get his way?
- Has the abuser left you feeling ashamed or afraid and unable to talk to others about the relationship?
- Does the abuser blame you for his bad behaviour and say you provoked it?
- Does the abuser curse, mock and humiliate you in public or private?
- Do you have to lie or make excuses for the abuser’s bad behaviour?
- Do you feel like you're walking an emotional tightrope with the abuser?
- Does the abuser threaten or intimidate you?
- Does the abuser hurt, or threaten to hurt you, your children, your pets?
- Does the abuser minimize what he says or does in anger?
- Does the abuser believe that men are powerful and women should do as they are told?
- Does the abuser abuse drugs and alcohol?
- Does the abuser tell you you’re lucky to have him, and no one else would want you?
If you have answered ‘yes’ to two or more of these questions, the chances are you have been subjected to consistently abusive and damaging behavour.
Related Links
Just the Facts
Education Wife Assault
Rose’s Story, Law and Abuse Immigrant Women
Learn more about COSTI’s women’s services, and
other programs available at COSTI.