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Accountability to the Community

Accountability to the Community

When you make a donation to COSTI, you are providing us with the resources we need to continue our work in the community - and in so doing, you are placing in us your trust.

Because of this, we have an obligation to ensure that the funds that you invest in us are used responsibly and in the manner in which they were intended.

COSTI respects and values the contributions of its donors. It is very important for us to assure you that COSTI subscribes to ethical principles that protect confidentiality and honour any and all conditions that are placed on the gifts that we receive - gifts that are given freely and in the true spirit of philanthropy.

It is the spirit of this responsibility that is behind the Association of Fundraising Professionals' Donor Bill of Rights, a bill that COSTI, like most other well-managed charities, has adopted. Enshrined in this bill is a key principle: 'that donors can be "assured their gifts will be used for the purpose for which they were given".

COSTI has also adopted the Association of Fundraising Professionals' Ethical and Financial Accountability Code.

Our donors can also be assured that we will use their gifts within a reasonable period of time, and in a fiscally responsible manner.

Entrenched in our values as an organization is our commitment to establishing stronger accountability to our stakeholders in the community.

When you invest in COSTI, your trust is well placed.