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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find information about COSTI and its services?

COSTI is constantly working to improve its programs and services to clients and the community. To find out more about our current programs and services, read our most recent Annual Report, or visit Who We Are, and COSTI Quick Facts. If you can't find the information you are looking for, contact the Communications Office.

How do I get in touch with an expert, or obtain an image of a person or location?

If you know whom you would like to speak to, please contact the Communications Office at 647.827.1291. Our Communications Office can also recommend an appropriate individual if you don't have a specific expert in mind.

If you are interested in an image of a specific person or location, please contact the Communications Office at 647.827.1291 or email .

COSTI produces a variety of photos, video, and audio files that are available for use.

I'd like to photograph or film on COSTI property. How do I get permission?

It is COSTI’s priority to accommodate news media covering stories directly related to COSTI's programs and services.

COSTI's policy is that all media and film crews must contact the Communications Office prior to arriving or entering COSTI premises. Media and film crews must be supervised by a COSTI staff representative.

How do I find more about the COSTI clients profiled on the website, or other COSTI success stories?

Our Communications Office has detailed information on the COSTI clients profiled on our website.

To protect the confidentiality of our clients, COSTI does not release any information without the client's consent. Our Privacy Policy details how COSTI gathers and uses personal information.

Where can I get a copy of the COSTI logo?

COSTI makes its logo available to media professionals upon written request. COSTI's Communications Office will review your request, and will send the logo as quickly as possible. As part of the review process, a member of the Communications Office may contact you for more information about the intended use of the logo. For the quickest response, email the Communications Office. Please include the following information:

  • First and Last Name
  • Title
  • News Organization
  • Address
  • Telephone and Fax numbers
  • Email
  • Deadline for the request
  • Describe the intended use for the COSTI logo, including full name of the publication, article headline, and expected publishing date