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Together We Thrive: Art-Based Support Group for Muslim Women Impacted by Islamophobia

Together We Thrive: Art-Based Support Group for Muslim Women Impacted by Islamophobia

"Together We Thrive" is an Art-Based Support Group managed by COSTI and funded by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The purpose of the project is to provide a safe space for racialized Muslim Women who have been impacted by Islamophobia. The project provides participants with strategies to cope with the resulting fear, anxiety, shame, and loss of self-confidence through a trauma-informed approach. Download flyer here.

Group structure: Sessions are offered in-person or virtually in which participants explore different art expressions every week. One-on-one counselling is offered to women if the conversation triggers anxiety and trauma. Translation services are available to facilitate conversations. In the sessions, participants:
  • explore their identity as Muslims
  • self-reflect on alternate approaches to their experiences 
  • identify what feeling safe and/or empowered means to them; and
  • practice new ways to foster relaxation in the face of anxiety and fear.

Browse through a digital book featuring paintings created by participants of this program, below:


Services Available

Participants can connect with the Muslim community and other support networks. They get a Creativity Kit with art supplies for drawing, collages, journaling, and more for self-expression and discovery. Research shows that mindfulness and focusing on the present moment reduces anxiety. Colouring helps focus the mind and relax the brain. At the end of the group, participants receive a colouring book for ongoing self-care and mindfulness practice.

Who is Eligible

  • adult Muslim women (age 18 and over)
  • newcomer, refugee, immigrant, and permanent residents. 
  • must be conversant in English to understand instructions and verbally interact with the group.
  • experiencing loneliness, stress, or anxiety because of Islamophobia.
  • regularly attend virtual or in-person sessions.

For more information and registration contact:
Shameela Ahmed
Phone: 647.245.4311 |

Geographical coverage: Ontario, Canada

This Program is Located at:

Family and Mental Health Services
Sheridan Mall, 1700 Wilson Avenue, Suite 105
Toronto, ON M3L 1B2
Phone: 416.244.7714 |

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