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Skills Training

Skills Training

Below are the many services and programs of COSTI services to help you build your skills. Click on any one to see related programs.

Computer Application Training

COSTI's Computer Application Training is a good starting point for anyone looking for work. We assist those looking for employment by providing individuals with the resources, information and motivation needed to find employment.

To learn more about COSTI’s Introduction to Computers training courses please call 416-244-9980.

Google Workspace Training Course

Introduction to Computers

Microsoft Excel Training

Microsoft Word Training

Simply Accounting/QuickBooks

The Women's Cyber Squad Training Program

Women in Tech Training

Digital and Media Literacy Training

The Digital and Media Literacy training programs provide an excellent opportunity to develop digital literacy and essential skills necessary for employment search and daily life activities.

Digital and Media Literacy Training

Digital and Media Literacy Training

Learn Everyday Technology - Digital Literacy Training

Virtual wrap-around program for people impacted by COVID

COSTI’s 8 week Virtual Wrap-around program for Ontario Works participants, currently facing various hardships and life management issues due to the COVID—19 pandemic.

COSTI Virtual Wrap-Around Program