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Services Available

This Program is Located at:

Corvetti Education Centre
760 College Street
Toronto, ON M6G 1C4
Phone: 416.534.7400 |

Related Resources

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Language and Settlement Issues

In striving to provide clients with a high level of service, COSTI staff make every effort to address, and assist clients with issues they may be facing as they begin life in Canada. Check back soon to find information that will help you cope with:

Feelings of isolation and feeling like you don’t belong

Dealing with conflicting work and family responsibilities while trying to attend English language studies

Accessing outreach programs, programs to help you understand the Canadian culture

Getting in touch with community groups that share your language or culture

Accessing social services

Enrolling your children in school

Securing housing

Finding a job

Cultural Excursions, Reading and Video Resources

COSTI has a large library of reading and resource materials, as well as detailed listings of monthly cultural events to help students improve and practice their English. Check back soon for a full listing.