Mario J. Calla, BA, MSW, currently holds the
position of Special Advisor to COSTI’s Board of
Directors. He held the position of Executive Director,
COSTI Immigrant Services from1987 to 2022.
COSTI is a community service agency that has been
providing a broad range of services to immigrants
and refugees in the greater Toronto area for the past
67 years.
Mario has been involved in his community as past-President of Social Planning
Toronto and as a member of the Board of the Toronto Region Immigrant
Employment Council, the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants and
the Catholic Children's Aid Society.
Mario is the recipient of the Newcomer Champion Award by the Province of
Ontario, the Queen Elizabeth II Golden and Diamond Jubilee Medals and was
recently appointed a Knight Officer by the President of Italy in recognition of his
community work with newcomers.