Gifts In-kind
To ensure that we can continue to offer critical services to the community, COSTI requires assistance on a variety of levels. Our most pressing need, of course, is financial assistance, which will allow us to provide the individuals and families we serve with the level of support they require.
However, we also appreciate receiving support through our gifts-in-kind program. Many organizations and individuals are able to provide COSTI with donations of vital goods and services, freeing up funds, and greatly reducing the costs of our programs and services.
Our current wish list includes:
- Office furniture
- Office equipment, including computers and printers
- Children's toys and play equipment
- TVs and VCRs for our classrooms
- PowerPoint projectors and overhead projectors
- Photocopiers and fax machines for our various locatiuons
- Sports equipment for our Youth-at-risk Program
- Art supplies for our child services
- Cellular telephones for the managers of our refugee
programs who are on around-the-clock call
We also need items for the charity auctions that are featured at the various fundraising events that we hold throughout the year.
Tax receipts will be issued for the fair market value of most gifts, but not for services. An invoice or original purchase receipt is preferred.
For further information about making a gift in-kind, please call 416.658.1600, or E-mail